Rename attachments added to email templates

When adding an attachment to an email template, it would be great to have the option to name the attachment. Otherwise, the guest receives it and the attachment has a computer generated name of a [very long] series of numbers and letters. To the guest receiving the email, the attachment looks like unfriendly spam. If I were the guest, I would certainly not be inclined to open the attachment  (but that defeats the purpose of sending them said attachment!). 

  • Guest
  • Feb 12 2020
  • Already exists
  • May 19, 2021

    Admin response

    Hello - if you are still experiencing this issue, please contact support at, and ask for help configuring Blackbaud Grantmaking. There is a setting that will make it so long text fields like Project Description and Organization Background "update" or "append" text from new application forms - it sounds like yours are set to "append" and you would prefer "update." I hope that helps!

  • Attach files