Allow formatting of all dates in the Reviewer Portal.

For example, we can't change the format of the Review Due Date in the Reviewer Portal. It appears as mm/dd/yy, e.g., 5/22/20, which is weird to begin with. If it has to be in this format, it should be mm/dd/yyyy, e.g., 5/22/2020. Ideally, however, we should be able to change the formatting of all dates on the screen for the Reviewers, Due Date, Sent Date, Received Date, all of them.

  • Carol Greco
  • May 22 2020
  • Already exists
  • May 19, 2021

    Admin response

    I believe this is working as intended today, which is that all dates use the user's browser language settings to determine what date format to display. For most users in the US, that means it will display in "m/d/yyyy" format, as in the screenshot below (which shows October 3rd 2019 as "10/3/2019").

    If your reviewers are seeing a specific instance where the date formats look wrong, please send a chat to us at (as it may just require a quick pointer on how to change your browser's date settings). Thank you!

  • Attach files
  • Carol Greco commented
    February 10, 2022 14:46

    This does not already exist. Note the attached screen shot of how the Due Date appears on the Review screen that the Reviewer sees. The year should appear as 2022 not 22.

  • Carol Greco commented
    May 19, 2021 17:38

    What if I want the date to appear as October 3, 2019, since I have international users? 10/3/2019 to them is March 10, and not October 3. We should have all formatting options available to us in the Reviewer Portal, just as we (hopefully) do everywhere else. All dates should have all formatting options, in the Application, in Blueprint, in the Reviewer Portal.