Grouping by Reviewer or Organization in the external reviewer export

**Brief Description** Client would like to have it so that the external review export is grouped by the Reviewers since reviewers can have multiple organizations associated to them

**Current Function** The export just shows the data without having it grouped any certain way. There is some redundancy with the information being displayed in the export.

**Desired Function** The client would like to have the reviewer export grouped by the reviewer so that the information isn't redundant. The reviewer would like to have the option to group the information without having to export then make the adjustments on the spreadsheet

**Reason For Function** The client mentions that the data is easier to read this way to track the completed reviews submitted by the reviewers. Also the reviewer information wont appear as redundant. Reviewer export is attached.

Priority -Medium

  • Guest
  • Aug 11 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open