Merge to PDF: Reorder documents by sorting by name

After I receive online grant applications, I create a document called an Application Summary. I use a template and merge the main information from the request to create this summary page. The summary page is the first page of every request when I print it out. When displaying the Documents window, the Application Summary page appears on top because my columns are set to alphabetize by the Title column. To simplify printing the requests for each organization for our paper files, I select all documents and Merge Documents to PDF. However, the Application Summary is always on the bottom of the long list of documents, and I have to move it manually, line-by-line, until I get it to the top of the list. Many times there are 18-20 documents on a single list. Currently, there is no way to reorder the documents in the Merge PDF window. It appears these documents are in order by their document number and there is no way to reverse sort Z to A to get the Application Summary to float to the top. You can imagine how time consuming this can be when you have 20 requests who have between 18-20 documents each. My idea is to give the user the capability of sorting documents in the merge list window by their heading name, similar to what you can do in a typical GIFTS window.

  • Terry Stevens
  • Aug 14 2020
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Tristi Charpentier commented
    May 04, 2021 13:32

    Agree! I would love to be able to merge proposal summaries with the budget attachments in order by organization name.