Edit Budget Summary parts in the Sky Dashboard.

Currently it seems that I can only remove the Budget Summary part in Sky. I must be able to edit the part.

  • Carol Greco
  • Jan 6 2021
  • Shipped
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  • Vin St John commented
    July 20, 2021 21:37

    These dashboard parts are now all available for creating and editing in SKY view.

  • Vin St John commented
    March 03, 2021 03:27

    Hi there - There are currently four dashboard part types that cannot be added or edited from SKY View - the Link List, Image, Note, and Budget Summary (for customers using the Budget feature). We plan on delivering all of these soon, but in the meantime, you can vote up this Idea to help us prioritize the most important things first. If you need to add or edit any of those dashboard parts, you can continue to do so from Classic. Thank you!