Search: Type and autocomplete for codes to add to filters of a search

add to Sky ability to begin typing when you add a Filter for a Coding Sheet where it says "<any>" and it will auto-populate with available Coding Sheet values according to the text that is entered.

When running a Search in Blackbaud Grantmaking Classic View, when you add a Filter for a Coding Sheet you are able to begin typing where it says "<any>" and it will auto-populate with available Coding Sheet values according to the text that is entered. In SKY View this accessibility does not exist and for Coding Sheets that have hundreds of values this slows down our efforts. This should be implemented for SKY View Searches if possible to alleviate the time needed on our end to search a drop down list for a value.

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  • Jan 14 2021
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  • Debbie Ottinger commented
    October 07, 2021 20:47

    Thank you so much!!! This makes a huge difference for my team.

    We���re celebrating!!!

    Debbie Ottinger | Vice President |���J.P. Morgan |���P. O. Box 227237 | TX1-2963���| Dallas, TX 75222-7237 |���T: 214-965-2914 | F: 800-883-7695���| |���
    [J.P. Morgan]
    JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.

  • Yvonne Pereira commented
    October 07, 2021 15:06

    I agree with everyone's previous comments, allow us to be able to type in the numbers!

  • Maryann Hayter commented
    August 22, 2021 23:57

    I need this. The time wasted is awful. Let's not forget that code tables are not exactly in alphabetical order. This means that you can't quickly find what you're looking for either. We use geographical area served 3 levels deep. this is a whole lot of searching to add a country rather than just starting at typing the 3rd level country like classic view. Please fix this. The functionality must be there because you can start typing to fill in the G/L when you're adding it to a payment, but not in the search.

  • Stephany Lewis commented
    August 13, 2021 15:03

    PLEASE add this capability! Having to scroll through hundreds of names slows productivity and makes the user experience cumbersome.

  • David Slavin commented
    July 05, 2021 10:04

    Couldn't agree more with this suggestion. At the moment, having to scroll through the list of options is a step backwards in terms of being user-friendly.