Show full contents of long text columns when you 'hover over' in a list

I've noticed that the height of records in related records section of requests is now a single line (which I personally prefer) but I think it would be a good idea if when you hover over a notes field, for example, the full contents show in a 'tooltip' to save you opening a record.

  • David Slavin
  • Feb 24 2021
  • Will not implement
  • Attach files
  • David Slavin commented
    September 08, 2021 08:07

    Thanks for the update, Cassy. The single-line list view will be such a helpful feature :)

  • Cassy Crabtree commented
    September 07, 2021 15:19

    We are working on making the toggle for list view always show only on one single line - which should address some of the feedback. We will not be addressing the 'hover' feedback as we are no longer implementing these due to accessibility. We are looking at other ways of showing this information without having to completely open the record and be taken away from the list you are looking at.

  • Guest commented
    July 02, 2021 12:35


    I just tried using this toggle, and it doesn't seem to make changes. Could you clarify how it should be working? Thanks!

  • David Slavin commented
    June 30, 2021 07:47

    Thanks for the comment, Vin. I think the solution with row height in the workspace would be to give the user a choice to have one results show either as one row in height, or show all detail with wrapped text so the record height varies.

    At the moment I don't find the toggle useful because list view still wraps text within the cell making the row height more than one record tall. I think it would be more useful if list view reduced every row to one record in height and cut off text mid-sentence with an ellipsis. When you click on detail, the row height expands to show all text, wrapped to fit into the cell.

  • Vin St John commented
    June 29, 2021 20:23

    We've recently made updates to the search results screen, including to the default widths of columns, the way text wraps within a column, and to add the "List view / Detail view" toggle in the upper right. We think that might help with the scenario you described here, but would love to hear what you think! We're open to hearing anything - from "This is even better than I was thinking" to "This is good, but I still like this Idea too" or even "It's worse now! Please fix it!" :) Thank you for your input.