When considering an application and updating a Primary Contact that is using its Organization's address, offer option to update the contact's address instead

**BRIEF DESCRIPTION: GIFTS Online Client would like a pop-up message when linking and updating a Primary contact’s address that is using Organizations Address to NOT use that option and update the contacts address.   ***CURRENT FUNCTIONALITY: Currently if a Primary Contact is using the option “Use Primary Organization” selected in the address section and you link an application and update the Contacts Address – it will default to the Organizations address.  The user does not know this at the time of updating and therefore the Contacts address is not updated it defaults to the Organizations Address.     **REASON FOR NEW FUNCTIONALITY: If the user links and updates the Contact address and does not know the use Organizations address the data not updated and correct. The users don’t know this until they go to merge or open the contact record to discover the contacts address is incorrect.  
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  • Aug 11 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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