Automatically delete reviews that are overdue by 6 months or more

**BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Client would like an Enhancement for Over Due reviewers of 6 mos or more to be deleted from Reveiwers Account and from GO reviewers. ***CURRENT FUNCTIONALITY: Curently a review is sent to reviewers accunt and they will sit in the "To be reveiwed" sections until reveiwer - reveiws and submits. **REASON FOR NEW FUNCTIONALITY: client sends out Reveiwes  to the Reviwer and their "manager" the "manager only see's the review and isn't required to do any action to submit so the review sits in the to be reviewed section. They by get up to 90 reveiws per grant cycle. POSSIBLEY: A popup messages that says " You have 50 Pending reveiws that are 90 days over due. Would you like to delete?"
  • Guest
  • Aug 11 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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  • +10