Resubmission Request Emails

First, let me say the resubmission request is one feature that lives up to its billing!  It's easy to use and super helpful.  I would like to request two related enhancements.  1: to be able to cc the email (automatically generated) to other people in addition to the primary user and 2: to be able to save the text of the email either in the activities or in the documents so we can refer back to it. Impact: Since so many grants have multiple people involved with it it would be very helpful to be able to email the resubmission request to the grantee and perhaps one of their collegues as well as my program staff so everyone knows the resubmission is pending. Similarly, it would be helpful to be able to look back at what we requested.
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  • Aug 11 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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