5-Year Payment History Report: Only show orgs with payments from all 5 years

•Brief Description: In Reporting, Client would like to be able to Filter out Organizations that do not have consistent payments.

•Current Function: In current reporting, if an Organization does not have consistent payments across a period, there is no way to hide them.

•Desired Function: Client would like be able to hide Orgs that do not have consistent results across a period.  For example:  In the Standard Five Year Payment History Report; if an Organization only has received payments in 1 of the 5 years. the client would like to be able to filter them out from the results.

•Reason for Function:  This will make the report easier to read and when looking for organizations that have received payments on a regular basis.

•Priority: Medium

  • Guest
  • Aug 11 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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