View the rejection notes in the applications history screen

**Brief Description** Client would like to have a column in order to view the rejection notes in the applications history screen.  **Current Function** There is no way to view the notes from a rejected application .  **Desired Function** Client would like there to be a column to view the notes when rejecting an application.  **Reason For Function** Client would like to be able to view the data that was entered to easily back track to the reason why an application was rejected.  **Priority** Medium
  • Guest
  • Aug 11 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Dec 27, 2017

    Admin response

    We are considering an alternate solution to this problem, as part of a feature we are calling the "Applications Inbox" - a new and improved screen for processing incoming applications, built in SKY UX.

    The solution we are currently considering would offer the flexibility to:

    1. Decline incoming applications (and fill out the declination notes)
    2. Offer full editing, searching, and reporting on these declined applications, just like requests that you decline later in your process
    3. Allow you to easily keep these applications, which you decline early, separate from the grants that you consider and then decline later (as you can today).

    This would effectively combine the "Reject" feature with the "Decline" feature (which offers more flexibility), while still letting you keep your considered grants separate from the ones that you decline early on. It would also let you access the declination notes and include them in reports.

    We are open to feedback on this approach, so if you have any comments, please leave them here! Please note we cannot review and answer every comment posted here, but we'll consider every comment when working on this feature. Thank you!

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