Allow for Longer Declination Notes on Requests

•Brief Description: Client requesting the ability to change standard fields •Current Function: Currently, when Declining a Pending Request record, you are given a window within to write Declination Notes. This only allows for 255 characters, but Kiwanis has a workflow that demands this allow for longer notes to be added •Desired Function: The client wants the Declination Notes field, amongst other standard fields, to be more malleable in the system and allow for long text •Reason for Function: The reason for this is critical to their workflow; Kiwanis must have a detailed explanation of the reason for declination ready for their grantees, otherwise being short-handed with the details reflects on them poorly. •Priority: High  
  • Guest
  • Aug 11 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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  • Aaron Larkin commented
    February 03, 2016 21:23

    Modified title; marked as reviewed

  • +10