Sort external reviews from newest to oldest

**BRIEF DESCRIPTION: GO Client would like to be able to sort External reviews from newest to oldest.   ***CURRENT FUNCTIONALITY: Currently when you log into an External review account the reviews are sorting oldest to newest – there is not a way to resort in the External review account for GO client’s   **REASON FOR NEW FUNCTIONALITY: Client’s comments: I share grant applications with members of our grants committee via the external review function. Those requests are currently listed oldest to newest. I would like for them to be listed newest to oldest. Could you make that change for me? Many thanks,    
  • Guest
  • Aug 11 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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  • Nicole Cadby commented
    November 05, 2015 19:53

    This issue is throughout the system, any record listing that is not within the workspace default sorts oldest on top, and there is no way to customize/save views like you can in the workspace. Doesn't make sense to not have the customized views available throughout the system.

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