Generate attachment for a generated email from a doc template

Submitted by: Emily Craft

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Client would like to be able to Merge an email and attach a merged document to it.

CURRENT FUNCTIONALITY: Currently GO doesn't have option to merge an email and merge an existing template in Approval or Write-up document template as an attachment to the email.

REASON FOR NEW FUNCTIONALITY: In GO client would like to merge an email template -> choose another document template that will merge and become the attachment on the email.

  • Guest
  • Sep 15 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Nicole Cadby commented
    September 30, 2015 23:45

    I agree completely, this was a functionality we used in Alta, and now we have lost that functionality in GIFTS Online.

    So many more steps are added now when we have to send a merged document via email. This is something we have brought to the attention of Travis Donnelly who has been implementing GO for us.