Submitted by: Marcus Brunnmeier
Brief Description: Client would like the ability for multiple applicants to log into one account so that more than one application can be worked on and uploaded simultaneously
Current Function: Multiple users cant access the same IGAM account at one time.
Desired Function: Client would like the ability for an multiple applicants to log into one account so that more than one application can be worked on and uploaded simultaneously
Reason For Function: Case Description: "Just wanted to submit some feedback from a user that is working on multiple applications under one account. They recommended in future that perhaps the system could support multiple users logged into one account so that two or more applications can be worked on/uploaded simultaneously. I'm sure they're not the first to bring this up but I thought I'd forward it along anyway."
Priority: Medium
In the future, the recommendation will be for accounts on the grantee portal to be tied to specific individuals. This is a general recommended security best practice that allows users to use highly secure usernames and passwords, along with additional functionality such as Single Sign On, multi-factor authentication, etc., without sharing secret credentials.
However, in the spirit of this idea, we are preparing ways to allow multiple users at the same grantee organization to contribute to applications at the same time, including allowing more than one user to view or edit an application at the same time. We believe these changes will solve the need described in this idea while also allowing better opportunities for collaboration within grantee organizations.