Add Grantee Organization Primary Contact Email Address to report columns

Submitted by: Julia Burgess

Brief Description: Client requests adding Grantee Organization: Primary Contact Email Address to report columns in GO

Current Function: Currently, when adding columns to a report table from the Grantee Organization, there is the option to add Grantee Organization: Primary Contact Block which contains the Email address.

Desired Function: The client wants to add the Grantee Organization: Primary Contact Email Address as its own field, independent of the Block.

Reason for Function: The client requests this because the Grantee Organization: Primary Contact Block does not display the information to her liking as it contains Email Address along with other contact details, and would prefer them to be split for better data manipulation when exporting to excel.

Priority: Medium

  • Guest
  • Nov 24 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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  • Aaron Larkin commented
    January 28, 2016 14:36

    Modified title; marked as reviewed