Addition of Conflict of Interest field on Organization

Submitted by: Nancy Taber

Brief Description: Client requesting addition of Conflict of Interest field

Current Function: Currently, if a Board Member has a conflict of interest with an Organization, the client must enter this manually as an Alert to the Organization record

Desired Function: What the client would like is for there to be a checkbox to mark if there is a Conflict of Interest, then a field dependent on the response to that checkbox that allows for further detail to be inputted

Reason for Function: The reason for this functionality is to improve workflow at the foundation and make it easier in standard record-keeping to track this information

Priority: Medium  

  • Guest
  • Dec 31 2015
  • Will not implement
  • Dec 27, 2017

    Admin response

    This can be accomplished today using a custom text field, and calling it something such as "Conflict of interest". This field can be left blank on the majority of records, and have a description of the conflict filled in when relevant. Reports can look for examples where this field is not blank, to find all records with a conflict.

    Because there is a fairly good solution already, and because we have not heard a similar need from a large number of customers, we do not currently plan to implement a built-in field for this. However, if anyone else is interested in this in the future, please feel free to leave a comment here!

    Thank you!

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