Check Templates need a locked format

This is submitted on behalf of two clients:

Client requests that the word templates in GIFTS allow for a "locked" format.    In the previous (non-GO) version of the check writer, there was a fixed format / layout for a check template.  When you set a field in the check writer, it stayed there and did not jump down to the next line.

Currently, if you create a word template for a check - it is nearly impossible to align it properly as the test function doesn't display the currency at all. If the currency field is not aligned exactly, the field will jump to the next line - shoving all other fields down a line and mis-aligning the entire document.

Why this is needed:  Client(s) have spent many hours trying to configure the check templates to the proper alignment only to find that the template doesn't work properly if the dollar amount is too big or the organization name too long, etc.

  • Guest
  • Jul 26 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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