Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit GIFTSONL-I-59 Search by similar match, not just exact match.

Search for documents by Similar Match instead of Exact Match Merged

**BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Client would like the Document Search option in the Request Documents to be a “contains” field and not an “is” Case sensitive field.

***CURRENT FUNCTIONALITY: Currently in Gifts Online if you open a request -> documents you get search options at the top of the form: Type – Title – Keywords -> if you Type in FINAL REPORT nothing populates -> if you type in Final Report -> Nothing populates -> if you type in FINAL Report (the FINAL is in all CAPS) you get 100 documents.

**REASON FOR NEW FUNCTIONALITY: Client’s reason: Can you make the search fields in the Document records NON case sensitive? When I use the Full Search to search for a Document by title or keyword, the field is not case sensitive. However, when I open a Request record and go to the Documents section, the search fields for title and keywords at the top of the screen are case sensitive. This really becomes a problem when we have multiple people attaching documents to a Request. As an example, some people will capitalize the words Final Report as a title and others won’t. As the Grants Manager, I’m used to digging through the records to find what I need, but the Program Officers need to just find their information quickly and are not so “search savvy”. There’s no way they’re going to figure out which words in the title are capitalized and which aren’t and how they should search for them. Please make those search fields NON case sensitive so that the search is much more user friendly.  

  • Guest
  • Aug 11 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open