Link new request to an existing one as a renewal
**BRIEF DESCRIPTION: GO client would like to be able to link IGAM application request created to an existing request ID as a renewal -> 101 -> 101.01 -> 101.02 etc….. ***CURRENT FUNCTIONALITY: Currently you cannot bring in IGAM applications as a renewal or link as a renewal. There is a Qualified Existing Enhancement Request: 00071482 – that has not been followed up on…. **REASON FOR NEW FUNCTIONALITY: Client moved from classic GIFTS to GO w/ IGAM and they have many, many requests that they renew and because they are going paperless they need this functionality and they do not want to create new requests for renewed grants… Client is willing to check the “renew” option box for the time being if we can give her that option until the Enh. is created. Client’s comments: I’d like to be able to manually click the “Renewal” box in a request record. Up until now, we’ve been using a paper-based application process. Some of our applicants typically request grant funding to support renewal of their previous grant. We then renew the previous request (ID# 123) and a new request (ID# 123.01) is created. That process also creates a check in the “Renewal” box so that when I run a report on requests, I can include a column that shows me whether the renewal flag is Yes or No. When considering a list of pending grants, program officers use that renewal flag to remind them which requests are renewals and which are brand new requests. We’re now starting to transition from paper-based applications to online applications. This is our first round of inviting online applications and I understand that pulling in the application from IGAM into GIFTS Online will create a new request even if the application is for a renewal. I understand that I can’t force it to create a new request using the renewal ID coding (123.02), but I still need to be able to flag it as a Renewal. Can you make that Renewal check box in the Request record live so that I can manually check the box when appropriate for incoming online applications that really are renewals of a previous request? I’d like to still use the Renewal Flag as part of my reporting on requests. If I can’t do that, how will I know if a particular request created from an online application is a renewal? Thanks