When generating emails in GO and including cc's based on the contact's role, the only contact that should be included as the cc should be the one in that role on the associated request/grant record.
When generating emails in batch mode for Requirement records in GO, I add cc's to the email based on the role of the associated contact for the Request. For some reason which I cannot comprehend, GO includes every contact with the selected role ever affiliated with the Organization and all of its Requests. My Requests only have one Affiliation with the selected Role, but yet when I generate emails, the cc field has several names in it, and I can clearly see that the names are all of the affiliations from other requests, not just the one linked to the selected Requirement. Clearly, I don't want to cc affiliations who may have been linked to past requests for this Organization, but not the one linked to this Requirement. Please correct this.
Impact: I have to delete all of these inappropriate email addresses from the CC window, and it is a huge waste of time.
At the very least, they should just make the affiliations available to add, but not already populated in the CC field.