Define number of decimal places for numeric/currency fields in Blueprint
It seems that we do not have the ability to set the number of displayed decimal places in Blueprint. I don't need to see four decimal places in the field on the screen. I would like to be able to define the number of decimal places I want to see.
This does not yet appear to be resolved since 2015!
For example, when the Request: Grant Amount field is used in Requirements (eg Grant Acceptance, or End of Grant report) as a ‘read only’ field, it appears oddly in the grant holder’s portal. The result displays a number with up to 4 decimal points showing, eg £5000.0000
How can we reduce these decimals? It is not a great look. Blueprint does not appear to give the option to do this in the case of a read only field.
We need this in all numeric fields. I deal with whole numbers only and have a mix of whole and 2 decimal places.
This is really frustrating so I hope it is looked at again soon. Any news on if this is going to be fixed in SKY?
Will this be available on the new Sky Platform?
This really skews the figures when doing reporting as it is currently set with 4 decimal places so £100,000 currently actually looks like £100,000.0000