Reports show multiple choices when more than one item selected in a drop down

For example we have a drop down of geographical locations and ask the grantee to choose all areas they serve. However, when printing a report, the report will only show the first one selected rather than all selected geographical locations.

  • Guest
  • Sep 26 2017
  • Already exists
  • Dec 27, 2017

    Admin response

    Hello! We believe this is possible with the tools available today in GIFTS Online, and recommend you contact our help desk, so we can help you show how to accomplish this. It should be possible to view all the selections after making a change in the settings when generating the report.

    Please leave a comment if you believe this does not address your suggestion. Thank you!

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  • Guest commented
    September 29, 2017 13:01

    Hello! Unfortunately, the idea was created without linking to an account, so I'm not able to address this directly. This should just be a quick setting change when generating the report. I would recommend you contact the helpdesk and they'll be able to get this adjusted for you.