Hi, originally I was looking for a place where they could actually electronically sign their name. In the meantime, we have opted to use the check box. Thank you for your time.
No worries! I'm not sure, but I think you might have meant to share more in that comment. I'll wait a few more weeks before reviewing this idea again, so take your time if you'd like to add any more comments to clarify. Thank you!
Thank you for submitting this idea! I am hoping you can help me clarify what you're hoping to accomplish.
Would you like to add a checkbox to your online application forms, or your online requirement forms, for your grantees to fill out? I.e., a checkbox at the bottom of a requirement form that says "By checking here, I am signing off on the data provided in this report", or something like that?
If so, I believe this should be possible with a custom field. If you'd like assistance getting this set up, I would recommend contacting our help desk, and we can walk you through what's needed. If you don't think that will work, please leave a comment and let me know why, and we can update this Idea.
If I don't hear back after a few weeks, I will update this Idea to mark it 'closed'.
Hi, originally I was looking for a place where they could actually electronically sign their name. In the meantime, we have opted to use the check box. Thank you for your time.
No worries! I'm not sure, but I think you might have meant to share more in that comment. I'll wait a few more weeks before reviewing this idea again, so take your time if you'd like to add any more comments to clarify. Thank you!
Thank you. My apologies for the very delayed response.
Thank you for submitting this idea! I am hoping you can help me clarify what you're hoping to accomplish.
Would you like to add a checkbox to your online application forms, or your online requirement forms, for your grantees to fill out? I.e., a checkbox at the bottom of a requirement form that says "By checking here, I am signing off on the data provided in this report", or something like that?
If so, I believe this should be possible with a custom field. If you'd like assistance getting this set up, I would recommend contacting our help desk, and we can walk you through what's needed. If you don't think that will work, please leave a comment and let me know why, and we can update this Idea.
If I don't hear back after a few weeks, I will update this Idea to mark it 'closed'.
Thank you!