Resetting password issue: When a person logs in using their temporary password, the system then takes them to another page where they are given the opportunity to choose a new password. There are three spaces that need to be filled out: The first space is unclear as to what should be entered (this should say something like "Enter temporary password"); the next two spaces are meant for the new password and confirmation of new password. Please have instructions for the FIRST space as people do not know what to plug in so they end up using either their email address or try to enter a new password on all three spaces.
Thank you for reporting this issue. This appears to be an error with your particular site - generally, a descriptive label should appear there. Because this is a bug or error, we recommend creating a support case at Doing that will ensure the fastest response time, and will ensure that the right people see your case and help troubleshoot and resolve it as soon as possible. If there's a bug in the software causing the issue, the support team will log the bug and work with our developers to resolve it.
I'm going to close this "Idea" record only because we should track this as a support case to get it resovled quickly. I will let the support team know that they will be hearing from you soon, but in order to continue I have to ask you to create a case in the support portal linked above. Thank you for your understanding, and I hope we can resolve this for you soon!