Allow to edit fiscal year field

Fiscal year is currently not an editable field. I believe It defaults to year of approval date; but then it looks like it changes to the year of first payment made. Our "fiscal year" is defined as the year the project begins, regardless of when first payment is made. Sometimes there is a long lag of when first payment is made, even going into an extended year (this usually happens with construction/capital grants). We also don't want the year of approval date since our board usually approves grants in December of one year, and projects usually begin in January of following year. It would be great if we can have the ability to manually change/adjust the fiscal year to accommodate anyone using GO. We've tried using the "Amend" button so that the fiscal year can be modified, but once we try to save it, it won't allow the new year to be shown. Please allow this field to be modified - we currently disregard this field since it does not show accurate year for us.

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  • Sep 27 2018
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