Currently you can create Affiliations records between a Request and a Contact. However, even if that Contact's Primary Organisation is different to that of the Request, the Affiliation record only allows the Request Organisation to be stored in the Affiliation record.
It is common for multiple organisations to be associated with a single Request. There is currently no direct way of storing this information in Blackbaud Grantmaking. It is possible to view this information using a correctly configured Affiliation view, which shows the Contact and their Primary Organisation. However, because there is no direct link between the Affiliated Contact's Primary Organisation and the Request, you cannot find the Request via the Affiliated Contact's Primary Organisation.
We need the ability to create an Affiliation Record that includes the following:
Request_ID: The ID of the Request
Contact_ID: The ID of the Affiliated Contact
Organization_ID: The ID of the Primary Organization of the Affiliated Contact (not the ID of the Request Organization).
There is the broader issue here of being able to represent collaborations better within Blackbaud Grantmaking. Many Foundations are funding projects that involve a collaborative effort between multiple Organisations. The system needs the ability to store a Primary Organisation affiliation for a Request, and Secondary Organisations for a Request. Such a relationship will enable the Foundation to find all Requests where an Organisation is either the Primary or a Secondary Organisation Affiliation of the Request.
This functionality needs to be extended to the Online Application Portal. It should be possible to create Organisation records for Affiliated Contacts, where that contact's Primary Organisation is other than the Request Organisation. It should also be possible to create Secondary Organisations for a Request. independent of Contact Affiliations.
Foundations need clearer visibility of Affiliation data in the Blueprint Request forms, and the Reviewer Portal Request forms. Being able to include an Affiliation View in a Request form would address this.