The SKY UX dashboards need improvement in a number of areas:
The number labels do not round as they did in Classic View which can make it very difficult to quickly read large numbers. This should be an option for users to utilize.
Inexplicably, sometimes my dashboard charts will show "0" as the last lowest number on the Y axis, and sometimes that number represents the lowest bar on that chart, in which case that bar is not even visible, which again makes the chart hard to read.
The "notes" dashboard parts do not have an "edit" option, only a "move" or "remove" option - does that not make notes obsolete?
In Classic View, I could adjust the size of each dashboard part from left to right, which allowed me to customize my view. Now, labels are running into each other and the overall appearance is quite messy.
When you hover your cursor over a colored bar on a chart in SKY view, it now has a pop-up box of information that is messy and unhelpful to look at. This did not exist in the Classic view and does not seem like a helpful addition. If this is helpful for some, then it should be an option that others can turn off as needed.
I am sure there are other items that could be improved as well, but these are my first impressions for necessary changes.
Hi everyone - I know I'm late doing this, and I'm sure many of you who participated in this thread are already aware for several months, but the majority of this feedback has already been addressed. There were a few comments in this thread that we haven't addressed directly - one about remembering column widths on tables (Tracked in a separate idea), and one about the tooltips that appear when hovering your mouse on a bar chart (these are different than they were back in September, but if you have further feedback I would suggest searching to see if someone has already submitted this idea and upvoting it, or if not, submitting a new idea). Thank you for all the great discussion on this last year and for helping us improve the product.
This has been requested multiple times: See screen shots attached below GMK-I-1343, GMK-I-1171, etc. I find it interesting that I was asked to create something in the idea portal, as opposed to support checking the ideas and suggesting I vote on an existing idea. This is probably the reason the idea portal is so full of duplicate and merged requests. We really need thorough support. The transition to SKY has been extremely challenging.
Sorry Wendy, I misunderstood what you were saying. You were speaking of the columns on a table dashboard part. Can you create this as it's own Idea/separate from this one?
It is not working for me.
Hi Wendy!
SKY should be automatically saving those changes for you. No lock needed. Is this not working for you?
Q 4. In Classic View, I could adjust the size of each dashboard part from left to right, which allowed me to customize my view. Now, labels are running into each other and the overall appearance is quite messy.
Your response from 9/7 says: This is resolved/shipped. You can again adjust the size of dashboard parts by dragging the edges.
But I am not sure it is fixed completely, yes, we can move a column in SKY dashboard, but we cannot lock the columns to stay that width. It is not helpful if you have to fix it every time. I have attached a screen shot from Classic, which shows the little lock that appears, once you drag or move a column. Then in Classic we could just hit the lock and the columns would stay that width.
Is this something that SKY can do?
Hi there! Some of these items have been completed, some are planned and some are in progress!
Reading large values - we are currently working on this and should be available soon.
Lowest number being 0 - We have created a work item for this and it is planned
This is definitely an issue. I've created a work item and we'll get it planned asap.
This is resolved/shipped. You can again adjust the size of dashboard parts by dragging the edges.
This is also planned with a work item created.
I've had further feedback from another colleague with regards to tables being displayed on the dashboard in Sky.
Classic would allow you to choose the number of lines to display on the part - to reduce the number of pages to scroll through here - the max being to display 100 lines, this helped to scroll down the information within this space more easily. In sky the max number of lines on display is 20, with no option to increase this. This is in effect creating more clicks to scroll through the data here.
The whole point of a dashboard parts is to have quick access to key data you need. But this is creating more steps to see it, even opening it into the workspace is an extra task then you would need in classic.
Also, the column widths are far too long on the display in Sky - with no way to set the width of each column to reduce it and see all of the part on display at once.
Needs thinking about more. Screen shots attached.
I would also like to add that in Classic, you could configure another user's Dashboard by editing the filter right there. In SKY, you'd have to perform the search again, add the part to the Dashboard, then delete the old part.
Can I also add feedback from a collegue:
Visually, the Sky screen is challenging me, and I am sure that's partly because I need to get used to it and am finding the absence of colours to delineate buttons/bars/displays etc disorientating.
To me, the Sky space seems to show SO MUCH LESS information than the Gifts screens do. And opening and closing records and dashboards in Sky is slow for me, because of each page reloading and seemingly taking you back a step. And frustratingly, there is a lot of space used up in top third of the screen on Sky which isn’t useful, and seems to mean the rest of the screen shows less info.
Eg. This dashboard in old Gifts shows the information in a far more complete way, from my pov:
It would also be nice it the column header remained at the top as you scroll down