Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit GMK-I-1173 SKY - Add back ability to select multiple documents in the Documents section and Unshare/Share.

Documents: Edit Shareable Status Merged

In BBG Classic when in Documents we can select several documents go to Actions and choose "Shareable Status" and we can choose "Make documents shareable" or "Make documents not shareable". We can change this option for multiple documents at once. I cannot see how to do that in SKY. Please make that possible again. Thanks!

  • Guest
  • Mar 10 2021
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  • Wendy Rohrbach commented
    March 16, 2021 22:21

    I have not been able to do this from inside the request record, but if you have a list view from a search or pushing something out to your dashboard, You can check the box next to the record and a new tool bar pops up on the bottom. Choose "Find Related" which opens up a slide on the right, then choose documents from there and you can see the shareable status. It would be nice if you could do that inside the request record also.

  • Deena Lauver Scotti commented
    March 15, 2021 15:55

    If you select multiple documents, there is a Shareable Status button at the bottom. When you click it, is asks if you want to make them Shareable.