Wire transfer details should be editable in the Payment record and not require a new window to open.

Opening a new window to add wire transfer/bank information to a Payment record means we can't copy and paste it from the Request record. I have created custom fields on the Request record to collect bank information in the application. In Classic view, I can copy and paste that Request record data to the Payment record wire transfer fields, because both my Request record bank information (collected via custom fields) and the Payment record bank information are visible and editable on the Request record. This is no longer possible in Sky because the Payment record bank details always open in a pop-up window. That requires me to manually enter the bank information in pop-up window instead of copying and pasting from my custom Request record fields. This increases the possibility of human error in the Payment record bank details, which will result in rejected wire transfers at the bank. Please make the Payment record wire transfer details visible and editable on the Request record screen.

  • Carol Greco
  • Mar 17 2021
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files