Our organization already has the start and end dates listed on requests when we approve them in Grantmaking Online. If we attempt to do a batch approval via Actions > Approve, we're required to enter a start date for the requests and this date overwrites the information we already have listed.
The fact it does this effectively makes batch approval not available to our organization. It would be ideal if there was an option to say to use existing start dates or offer a mixed where it prompts for a date but only applies it to records that don't already have a start date
This is a serious issue. I have to go back and edit the dates after a batch approval by our president. It makes no sense whatsoever that the dates entered in the application are overwritten during a batch process. PLEASE FIX THIS SOON!
Thank you for posting this, which is a critical need for our organization as well. We require grantees to enter start and end dates and cannot have these overwritten. As is, the batch approval option for requests is useless for us.
Great summary Sara - we can't batch approve for exactly the same reason. I'm sure an algorithm could be put in place to keep existing start and end dates and not overwrite them when a grant is approved.