Manage Workflows (like in GIFTS Alta)

I didn't see anything about workflows in yesterday's SKY product update on the lists of upcoming functions for SKY. PLEASE bring back workflows, they made everything easier when we had them in Alta and we have not been the same since. We were told this was going to be included in SKY - don't drop them from the plans!

  • Guest
  • Apr 22 2021
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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  • Vin St John commented
    May 19, 2021 02:51

    Thank you for sharing these comments. We definitely understand there's more we can do to help you easily build out workflows that help move records from one user to the next easily and in an automated way. As you know, we have chosen to focus on delivering existing functionality from Grantmaking into SKY view first, before building out brand new functionality there, wherever possible. For now, we spend time working with our customers whenever they express interest in workflows to make sure they're making the best use of Dashboards and Saved Searches possible (you very likely are already, judging by your comments, but our services team would be happy to spend time with you to help optimize your Grantmaking workflow further if you would find that helpful).

    But what about the future? We will definitely keep thinking about workflows with everything we build. At this time, based on all the feedback and input we've received on previous iterations of the "workflow" feature and on other areas of the product, we don't have plans to build out a specific "workflow" feature. For now, it's more likely that the next few features we develop will have workflow-like options built in to them, so that you'll see more and more workflow options as time goes on. That's all we can say for now, but please continue to provide whatever input you have - we're always listening and re-evaluating!

  • Gail Lewry commented
    May 12, 2021 06:33

    Oh yes please, I am constantly being asked when Workflows will be back. Dashboards are ok. Workflows are next level. Build it in and we will use it! Next phase PLEASE.