When in classic and you view a long text field by expanding the filed, it allowed you to size the box so that you can see a large portion of the text field. In SKY, you can only have a small box that you have to scroll through -- This text box needs to be able to expand so you can see the maximum amount of the text field as possible on your screen.
Please expand these fields! Our team cannot review and organize notes for new grant applications and grant reports without the option of expanding. It is extremely difficult to read text through a tiny box.
For the love of G-d, please do this before 1 October or I will go mental. I actually switch back into GIFTS when I need to compile summaries--I cannot organise paragraphs on the teeny-tiny little box that Sky has. Please! I'm willing to buy the developers chocolate if that sweetens the deal!!
It is very helpful to be able to expand the long text pop-up window and view more text at once. Please bring this ability back in SKY.