SKY Advanced Search: add advanced criteria to currently selected full search filters

In Classic, we're able to start building a full search with the basic filter options and then click advanced search to add additional and/or custom field search criteria. In SKY, it doesn't seem like this is possible yet. When I start a basic full search in SKY and the click advanced, the basic search filters I added get cleared out. Please add to SKY the ability to add advanced search criteria to basic search filter options.

  • Dorothy Wickens
  • May 25 2021
  • Shipped
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  • Anna Cooper commented
    July 12, 2021 14:59

    Yes, we find it really useful to start a basic search in Query Builder and for the expression to be retained when you move into Advanced search, so you can add additional criteria as needed. Please can you also make it possible to look up Values like we can in Classic? It's not always easy to remember exactly what these are.

  • Louisa Robinson commented
    July 07, 2021 15:32

    Yes!! I do this too... especially when we are trying to build a search across record types - it helps me to build the request section in basic, flip into the advanced to get the advanced coding, copy and paste it into note book.... then go back to basic to build the other bit of the organisation search, flip that to the advanced to get that bit of coding - and then I can build the 2 together.

    I'm not SQL savvy and this is the best way to do this for me - I would be lost if this feature didnt exist in sky - it makes it so much harder to try and even think how to build it from scratch in the advanced section.

  • Michelle commented
    June 08, 2021 12:55

    To add to this, if you have a dashboard saved that you want to do an additional filter on when you switch from Basic to Advanced, the original filter/search that was used to create the dashboard disappears and you have to re-enter the entire search.