Export dashboard part to Excel

From Classic Interface to SKY we are missing Export to excel option missing from Dashboard part. and it is available in SKY only through workspace. it would have been easy for users to export data directly from Dashboard part then going to workspace. As end users do not modify dashboards and it would have been easy to export from dashboard part itself.

  • Guest
  • Jun 7 2021
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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  • David Slavin commented
    August 25, 2021 11:52

    Hi Vin - we would definitely support you re-adding the ability to export from the dashboard. I understand it's one more click to send results to the workspace but SKY can be particularly slow at opening dashboards into the workspace and it slows the user experience down. Thanks, David

  • Vin St John commented
    June 29, 2021 17:33

    Thank you for your feedback! For now, we plan to support this method, which you mentioned in the Idea:

    1. On the dashboard part, click the context menu (It looks like a circle with "..." in it), and click "Open in Workspace".

    2. In the Workspace, click "More" > "Export"

    What we have found is that keeping the dashboards a little bit less cluttered is worth the trade off, for most users, of the extra click to open the workspace. We also have found that most users find it useful to open "list" dashboards in the workspace already. However, everyone's needs are different, so we understand if you found it easier to export directly from the dashboard - especially if this is something you did often. While we recommend teaching your users the method above, for now, we we will definitely keep an eye on this idea and consider it again if we find that many customers are finding this to be a burdensome change.

    Thank you again!