Automatically publish requirements to the grantee portal

It would be great if there were an option in settings or within a request to automatically publish requirements to the web for grantees

  • Alison Altemus
  • Jun 9 2021
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Louisa Robinson commented
    October 21, 2022 09:54

    Actually - would like to add a comment / view on this. It would be great, if we could set when the 'publish to web' will be published an appear in the grantee portal - for example, over a term of a grant we might request a report each year. We have found publishing all those requirements at once can confuse the grantee... and they might submit their report requirement to the wrong requirement movement. That requirement may also be contingent to a payment, so it then mucks up which payment is attached. It can get messy, so we currently tend to publish the form a couple of months before its due - but this is very manual and a 'must remember' task. it would be great if we could publish them on our side at the same time, but set the dates around each one when they are actually published to the portal.