Scheduling Requirements to be Published Online

It would be great to have the ability to schedule in advance the dates when a requirement needs to be published online as opposed to having a Dashboard part that you track with Requirements that have yet to be published. Very much a set it and forget it.

  • Ken Knowlton
  • Jun 17 2021
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Ken Knowlton commented
    July 21, 2021 21:54

    Thanks the query below was helpful. I did create a separate dashboard in SKY where this is working. However, I also want to setup a reocurring report that comes in every Monday for all requirement types to be published in the next 30 days - I've tried the below- but it is pulling in ALL the requirement types I've selected with a schedule date after 30 days as opposed to within 30 days. What am I doing wrong here? I've researched some standard SQL queries in stackoverflow such as Select DateAdd(month, 1, getdate()) but upon testing I receive invalid syntax.

    Activities.Publish_Date IS NULL AND (Activities.Type_ID = 526 OR Activities.Type_ID = 157 OR Activities.Type_ID = 527 OR Activities.Type_ID = 5154) AND (Activities.Schedule_Date - GETDATE()) > 30

  • Justin Finighan commented
    June 17, 2021 18:47

    You can get pretty close to this using a Dshboard Part that has a filter something like the following:

    (Activities.Done_Flag = 0 OR Activities.Done_Flag Is Null) AND Activities.Type_ID = 627 AND Activities.Publish_Date IS NULL AND (Activities.Schedule_Date - GETDATE()) < 90

    This will show all Progress Reports that have not yet been published and are due within 90 days.

    You can set different conditions for different Requirement Types, and you can create a chart type Dashboard Part that groups the Requirements by different Types (as each type may use a different on-line Requirement Form).