Values fields should have a default "Please select" option on forms

When you add fields to application and requirement forms where the field type is 'Values', the system will display the first value in the list on-screen before the user has selected anything.

For example, if my list was "Yes", "No", "Prefer not to say", then "Yes" would look like it was already pre-populated on the form.

We would like values fields to have a 'Please Select' setting that displays before a user has chosen how to answer. At the moment, to work around this, we have included 'Please Select' as a value in the field settings and we set the form to show that so it looks like nothing has been selected yet. However, because 'Please Select' is a valid choice, an applicant can submit a form without changing it - even when the field is required.

  • David Slavin
  • Jun 28 2021
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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