Filter Dashboards by grants assigned to Logged-In User

When building dashboards that you want to share, there is often a need to amend the filter once it's been shared so it picks up 'your' grants. For example, if staff name is set to 'Person A' then when Person B receives the part they'll need to amend it to point to Person B to pick up their grants.

I think there should be a field called 'Logged-in User' which always picks up the user ID of the person logged in to the session. That way, dashboard parts can be built generically but will pick up the user's assigned records without changing the filter.

  • David Slavin
  • Jul 6 2021
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Wendy Rohrbach commented
    September 21, 2021 15:27

    Yes, This would be really helpful. For reviewers, you can choose "To Be Reviewed by Current User". And if you are the person that sets up the dashboard, it will work. It does not work for Admins who try and set it up for other users. I would like to see something similar to "Logged-in User" available for Request Records, but it would be most functional if Admins could set it up and when applied to individual staff dashboards, it would choose the person who is logged in... not the person who set it up. I hope this makes sense, if support needs more information, I am happy to help.