Login Display is missing in SKY UX but settings available in Preferences

Login Display is missing in SKY UX but settings available in Preferences. Please activate this to appear same as classic view.

  • Guest
  • Jul 8 2021
  • Reviewed: Need Further Info
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Benton Austin commented
    August 09, 2021 12:04

    Yes the timeout is still 60 minutes.

  • Guest commented
    July 12, 2021 19:40

    Please advise that how long user can login any limit with SKY UX?

    from user as below. we have 60 minute with classic now.

    Can you find out how long before it times out since there is no countdown? Is it still 59 minutes?

  • Guest commented
    July 09, 2021 15:26

    This feature was very use full for our users to know how much time left for the session so that they can save.

  • Admin
    Benton Austin commented
    July 09, 2021 15:06

    You are correct. This was a miss in that we should not be showing those options to select and display in SKY. We will work on hiding these options. I would like to ask if you could give me some insight in to what value you are getting from this display?