Locking a Document Record has no effect

This issue was also present in BBGM Classic, but the Check-out feature meant that in effect, you could lock the document itself.

There is no Check-in/Check-out facility in SKY. In Classic, a user can check out a document, and it is possible to see who has the document checked out. Once a document is checked out, other users are unable to use the Edit button to alter the document.

You can Lock a document record in SKY, but:

  • Locking a document does not prevent the document record being edited

  • Locking a document does not prevent somebody from replacing the existing document

  • Anybody can unlock a document record

  • You cannot see who has locked the document record – this is necessary in the absence of the Check-out feature, in which you can see who has a document checked out.

  • Justin Finighan
  • Jul 29 2021
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Maryann Jusino commented
    September 15, 2021 14:14

    Agree locking the document does not allow editing and view as checking out did. I would bring back check in check out.