SKY Dashboard functionality edits - retain workspace and dashboard tabs; ability to "overwrite tab" when searching

In classic view, you could have the dashboard tab and the workspace tab open together, so you could jump between the two (and see one of your dashboards, and then a particular search, etc. Now, they are two separate pages, and when you click back and forth, you lose the view in your workspace and have to start over.

It is also frustrating that now when in workspace when you do a search, it creates a new tab each time, instead of "overwriting" the tab you are on - this leads to a very rapid glut of tabs that are then consolidated and much harder to navigate, and then requires you to tediously click back through and close all the open tabs again. The functionality was much more useful in Classic.

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  • Aug 13 2021
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  • Guest commented
    October 14, 2021 17:20

    To add to this, looking at the tabs, and one of the reasons you end up with so many open tabs, is because there is the NEW tab, but as soon as you search in the toolbar above that (which makes more sense unless you need to do a full search), it then creates a second tab, and retains that "NEW" tab which has no purpose, because you can access a full search from the link in the upper right, and you don't need to go back to it to create a new tab, because there is the plus sign to create the new tab as well - seems like at a minimum that first NEW tab should be overwritten instead of left hanging open, taking up space.

  • Wendy Rohrbach commented
    September 21, 2021 15:30

    Yes, Please! You loose all the open workspace tabs, when you go over to the dashboard or do a search. Unlike Classic.

  • Charlotte Burke commented
    September 08, 2021 08:29

    Thanks for the suggestion Cassy. That could work - anything that means it's easy to switch quickly between dashboard and workspace/search and avoid the green blob of doom....

  • Cassy Crabtree commented
    September 07, 2021 19:40

    In the first part of this idea, would it be useful if we could open a "fly-out" on the side of the page with the results of what you are clicking on in the dashboard part? This would allow you to stay on the dashboard while previewing results.