SKY Refresh Screen icon?

Where is the Refresh screen icon on every dashboard in SKY. It used to be a circle with an arrow in the upper right corner of the screen. Consistency is key!

  • Guest
  • Aug 25 2021
  • Will not implement
  • Oct 16, 2021

    Admin response

    Hello - Thank you for this feedback. We currently have no plans to offer refresh actions for things that take up the full page, like the dashboard. The reason those actions needed to exist in classic view and earlier products had to do with the technologies in use behind the scenes in those products. In SKY view, it's much easier to just use the "Refresh" button in your browser's address bar to reload the page.

    That being said, if there was ever a case where you have a frequent need to refresh part of a page, and reloading the entire page in the browser would be significantly more loading time / bandwidth usage / etc., we would certainly consider this! Let us know if you're experiencing a case like that that we've missed. Thank you!

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