Full Search Coding Filters - Select multiple values with "Is one of" matching logic

I know there is already an idea for bringing back the ability to type in search filters rather than having to scroll through lists, but this idea takes that one step further.

We have many request types and most of them have similar request statuses. For example, every type we have will have an 'Active Grant' status.

To select all Active Grant statuses means adding rows one by one and scrolling through long lists. It would be REALLY useful if the filters worked like Excel filters and I could type 'Active Grant' to show all statuses named that, regardless of request type, then I can select them all to add to my search.

Added by Blackbaud: Today I can only select one "organization type" in the screenshot below. If I am looking for any organization that is of type = "Museums OR Zoos", I have to take several steps to add a second Organization Type row. It would be better if I could quickly select multiple from the same dropdown.

  • David Slavin
  • Sep 28 2021
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • David Slavin commented
    October 18, 2021 11:11

    Just to add to the additional comments made by Blackbaud in my idea above, I would state that your screenshot is showing a coding sheet item (which would be very useful!). We would want this functionality to work across all type fields including request type and status, too. Thanks, David

  • meleri Jones commented
    October 18, 2021 10:36

    This would be very useful and would save time!

  • Louisa Robinson commented
    September 30, 2021 15:17


  • Guest commented
    September 28, 2021 14:48

    Would be so helpful and save time.

  • meleri Jones commented
    September 28, 2021 11:34

    This would be very useful

  • Guest commented
    September 28, 2021 11:01
