When generating documents in SKY, you have to click on the History section to uncheck the box if you don't want it to create an activity. Most of our staff don't know to uncheck that box so every time a template or email is generated, it is saved as an activity when it doesn't need to be. It would be great if the checkbox was on the first page of the dialog box.
it would be great if the history tick box was on the same screen as selecting the document template, it is very easy to forget to make sure it is selected when you need a copy to be saved to the record.
and can we also consider having create history as unticked by default....?
Now we dont actually open and amend these documents with the check out/in feature.... its pretty pointless creating the activity on an uncompleted document. I would much rather have the option of physcially ticking IF i did want to create the activity record.