Export classification code lists to Excel rather than html

It is useful to be able to share the list of Requests status codes with team members. Currently when I click the Export button within that classification code table, the list is exported to another browser tab, ie in html format.

In order to put this into Excel I select all, copy, open a blank Excel sheet, and paste.

I would prefer the list to directly export to Excel, so I can format it for distribution. Eg hide columns, hide rows, add colour formatting, etc. Once in Excel others can add additional columns and we can share ideas for improvements.

  • Kim Hook
  • Oct 18 2021
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Elizabeth Donohue commented
    07 May 14:42

    This is a great idea. I just did a project where I wanted to create a glossary of all our coding, and it took extra steps to copy and paste into Excel from the html pop-up.