Allow Applicants to View Drafts for Deactivated Forms

When you deactivate a form and do not allow users to submit previously started drafts, it would be great if they could at least view their draft in order to easily copy and paste answers to the new version of the form.

And since the error message only accepts a limited number of characters, it would be incredibly helpful to have a character count or notice of character limit. We had no idea that we drafted a longer message than was acceptable, did not receive an error message, and then noticed that the message was cut off mid-sentence, which doesn't look very professional.

  • Irene Tai
  • Dec 1 2021
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Louisa Robinson commented
    January 14, 2022 14:24

    This would be very beneficial to our applicants too.When we changed our funding and forms the previous year, some of our grantees complained they no longer had access to the information they had already drafted. Even though some of the criteria had changed in the new form, part of the information would have been helpful for them to cut and past over from the form they had already started, rather then typing it all out again.