Automatic removal of green action pop up windows after period of time

I often perform a number of actions and find the long list of (mostly green) pop up windows that confirm my action has been completed to be prohibitive to my work. They are positioned in such a way that they tend to block important details in my workspace that I need to see or access. I am not able to exit out of all of them at once, and instead have to click through to close each window one by one, which can be especially frustrating given they are different sizes and I have to move my mouse around. I understand that the information these pop-ups contain can be very important for users to see, but I'm curious if there is a way these windows could automatically disappear after a period of time (especially the success windows - error windows might be more important to stay).

  • Ari Baum-Hommes
  • Dec 22 2021
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Ashleigh Allessio commented
    May 17, 2022 11:08

    Please!! This is very frustrating when opening numerous documents within one record.

  • Kate Bartley commented
    April 12, 2022 16:59

    Yes! Please do this. Many have been asking for a solution to this for a long time. Thanks.

  • Guest commented
    March 30, 2022 19:27

    Or if not rolling off automatically, could there be a clear button for all, versus clicking on each?