Self-explanatory. I frequently need to search for Request records which have changed status on a specific date, usually "today." I can display the column in the Workspace, but can't search on it without creating an Advanced search. Please make it available in the Filters.
In similar vein - I would like the create date to be in basic filtering rather then in the advanced search area, the advanced search area can be complicated to navigate for new users, and it seems like an obvious one that should be in the basic filtering. (for context we have 2 stage applications and when the 2nd stage form is submitted the 'request date' changes to the 2nd submittal date - but we often want to track things on the first input date of that request record - which is the create date)
We also use to be able to type shift+T for Today too and it would input todays date, such a handy shortcut from classic not in sky